Thursday, February 2, 2012

Starting a Blog on Blogger

Are you ready or just want to set up a Blog on Blogger.  Goggle has definitely made it very easy to start blogging.  The first step is to log into your Google account if you don't have one you will need to create one its petty quick I'm not going to bother to explain the Google sign up process, if your scratching your head at this point you have a long long LONG way to do.  If you are still wondering just do a search Google sign up should work fine, basically if you can't find something search for it!  Anyways just go to Blogger and activate it with your Google account and it will bring you to the Blogger home screen.  From here you can quickly create a blog.

  • To create a new blog on Blogger click the "new blog" button that appears on the upper left of the screen after you have signed in with a Google account.  (hint its where the arrow is pointing)

Blogger Home Screen to start a new blog just click new blog! *Since I've
"started" a few other blogs on blogger they appear on my home screen,
some of these blogs exist in name only currently other are seldom updated
and their stats reflect this. *edited with paint

  • After clocking on the "New Blog" button Blogger brings you to this screen where you will name your blog and create its address.  Based on what address are available you might have to change this a few times.  Don't worry to much one of the advantages of blogger is that you can change these at any time latter on.  *note if your blog is well established DO NOT change your address on Blogger it will reopen the address for registration and not redirect anything to your new address.  Instead if you want to move an established blog setup a new domain for it and Blogger will redirect to your new site.  Also don't worry about picking a template for your blog from the start this is better handled latter and the default will work fine for your first few posts. 
Blogger create new blog screen. *edited with gimp

Configurations! you have just created a Blog, Blogger should have redirected you to your Blogger homepage which should now list the blog you just created.  At this point I would recommend creating a first post, personally I usually do a post on what exactly the blog intends to be etc (it helps me focus my own intentions) but really can write about anything (though try to stay on your blog's subject).  Also do not include content over PG 13 (unless that's what you want I have no objections), if you include content over PG 13 you will be penalized by search engines and other content filters.  (Notice even here I did not use certain wording, or word combinations that may trip such content filters, nor will I be listing possible words and word combinations anywhere on this Blog, just use common sense and think of George Carlin and you will be fine.)  

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