Thursday, January 26, 2012

Why Blogger and Why am I'm Doing a Blog

The choice to use Blogger and let the blog exist here was a conscious decision the idea is to have the blog exist off site.  I've used both Wordpress and Blogger in the past and I chose blogger for this particular project because its absolutely painless (relativity speaking) to set up plus its free and one of the goals was to do this as cheaply as possible without sacrificing quality. If in the future this blog receives a lot of traffic, something I'm not expecting, then a move might be considered but for now Blogger is the perfect developmental environment.  I have to make one disclaimer, I'm not 100% fluent in Blogger I've played around with it a few times in the past and found it quick and easy at the same time it provides easy accessibly to its underlying html.  Rolling your eyes yet at the one of the most intimating subjects for beginners ie html don't!  Any thing that I show you how do to in html I will spell out and keep easy.
        So now that this blog is started before we dive into building a site lets set up the blog and get it web ready.  Many of the aspects of setting up a blog are transferable to web-site creation and with blogger its easy to demonstrate these subjects.  Think of setting up a blog as an introduction, and a get way to learn some basic techniques that are highly transferable.  I strongly recommend anyone who is just starting their "web education" to start with a blog, share it with you friends and family, make you mistakes on it, and learn from it.  Blogs have been intentionally streamlined to allow novice user to quickly increase their understanding and skills of their architecture, and they have built in help sections.  Once you go and start to create your own site you will not as convenient and quick access to help and support to resolve any problems you might have.

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