Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Free tools, a commitment to and a word of caution

As I've previously said I'm going to try to build this blog and the site as inexpensily as possible.  Currely I am used to using adobe's bloated and overpriced web managment suite.  In the last few years many free open source tools have been released that provide many of the functions avalible in adobes creative suite. This blog affords me the oppurtinity to gradually build up my famalarity and profecency with these tools, it is my intent to show how to use these tools to develop, build, and manage a blog and then an entire site.  I will post reviews of the free programs I try and guides to to the tools I end up using.  A general note when a free program or tool is unfamiliar to make sure to check its veracity, while no where near as bad as it used to be (thank you Google:) ) some "free" programs are any thing but providing unscrupulous developers an easy way to introduce malicious code onto your computer or worse yet your site.  Google has done a relatively good job cleaning up their search results but it pays to be careful and to do at least some cursory research before making use of a program.  Some simple things to look for are reviews from third party resources the more trusted the better, make sure read reviews from more than one source as on occasion you will run across false reviews. 

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